Tips Menjadi Travel Writer

Tips Menjadi Travel Writer

menenteng  diary atau buku harian ke manapun. Seorang travel writer sebaiknya menulis catatan detail di buku, sebelum dituangkan dalam bentuk artikel. setiap halaman memiliki tanggal dan di bagian depan atau belakang dilengkapi peta.

A good travel writing happens when something human is recorded.

punya kemampuan memperhatikan detail-detail kecil dalam perjalannya, dan menemukan kebahagiaan dari sana.

Dengan sudut pandang yang berbeda pada umumnya

Kita mesti berpikir positif bahwa pasti ada saja jalan dan bantuan saat travelling, utamanya dari warga setempat. Sebagai orang lokal, mereka lebih memahami situasi tempat mereka dibanding kita.

Selalu mendatangi konter informasi wisata untuk menanyakan titik wisata paling khas dan paling disukai warga lokal, serta bagaimana caranya ke sana dengan transportasi massa yang paling murah

Berikut ini tips yang lebih mendalam lagi, cekidot yaaa..

Start with a compelling lead. Your “lead” paragraph must reel in readers right away. If you can’t hook them in the first 35 words, chances are you’re going to lose them. You’ve dreamed for years of visiting Africa? That’s not an exciting first sentence. You’re on a trip with your significant other? That’s not interesting either. You taught Kalahari Bushmen how to play Frisbee? Now we’re getting somewhere. Many beginning travel writers clog their leads with too much background information. When they do this, readers never get to the exciting part. An audience will move on to something else if the beginning of a story is mundane. So pounce into the action right away. Make your theme clear  and enticing at the outset.
Develop your story thematically or chronologically, but keep it moving. Many travel tales unfold with a simple chronological sequence. Others follow a series of scenes or anecdotes. Let’s go back to that flan in Guadalajara we talked about in part one of this series. After your first toe-curling taste, you decide to embark on a weeklong mission to find the best flan in town. Over the next seven days, you scarf down twelve helpings of the caramelly custard. You might write about your five or six favorites. And maybe a couple of not-so-favorites. You don’t have to cover them in the order you ate them. Instead, write in the order that best builds excitement. Just as you want to catch readers’ attention right away with a strong lead, the body of your story must hold readers’ fascination by maintaining – and ideally increasing – the action and energy. Occasionally, you need to include a detail that’s not so enthralling to keep the story flowing. That’s okay, but get through those points concisely. Move on quickly and then zing your readers with more thrills.
End with a lesson, a discovery, or a personal transformation. Riding into the proverbial sunset can be a natural way to end a tale but you’ll conclude on a more powerful note if you demonstrate some sort of transformation. Have you learned something new about yourself or the world? Changed your way of thinking or seen somebody else change theirs? Big insights come frequently when we’re away from our everyday world and culture. Share those insights with your readers so those who wander vicariously through your writing can share in your discoveries.


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